On This Terrestrial Ball
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We discuss the issues of the day through the lens of History and the Principle of Subsidiarity with an emphasis on proposed solutions based in self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-determination. We publish our non-exclusive articles, podcasts and vlogs on our main site at https://keepgovlocal.com/ and we publish exclusive material here on our Locals page. We seek to promote respectful discussion to find real solutions which are based in local communities and families.
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Secession Speakeasy 135: EU seizes Power to rig local elections in Europe!
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Secession Speakeasy 140 (Public House Edition): Can Conor McGregor lead Ireland out of the European Union?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the announcement by former mixed martial arts star and vocal Irish populist Conor McGregor that he is running for President of Ireland in 2025 and what this likely means for Ireland’s future relations with the European Union. What is the main issue which has driven McGregor to take this step? What are the odds of McGregor winning and what obstacles stand in the way of him even being a candidate in the election? What signals have been sent by McGregor which seems to point to him having a long-term plan of pulling Ireland out of the European Union? How could this campaign effect the effort to re-unite Northern Ireland with the rest of the Emerald Isle?


(Conor McGregor teases news of an Impending Presidential Bid): https://x.com/TheNotoriousMMA/status/1731464053740966113?lang=en

(Ireland: McGregor for President?): https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/ireland-mcgregor-for-president/

(Conor McGregor Blasts Mass Migration After...

Secession Speakeasy 138 (Public House Edition): Statehood for St Louis?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the proposal put forward by a Missouri state legislator from St Louis that the Gateway City and it’s surrounding counties should become their own state. What are the issues driving this proposal? What potential does St Louis have if they were to become the American continent’s first official ‘city-state’? Could this St Louis statehood proposal in turn help make the success of the Illinois Separation Effort across the river even more plausible?


(Could St. Louis become the 51st state? Missouri lawmaker floats secession idea): https://archive.is/JuBOW

(Missouri legislature passes state takeover of St. Louis police department): https://www.stlpr.org/government-politics-issues/2025-03-12/missouri-st-louis-police-department-state-takeover-passes

(State takeover of St. Louis police clears legislature, heads to Missouri governor): ...

Secession Speakeasy 137 (Public House Edition): Iowa offers Southern Minnesota an Escape Route!

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the proposal put forward by an Iowa State Senator that the state of Iowa could offer to take in the nine southern Minnesota counties bordering Iowa. How plausible is this proposal? What does this say about Minnesota’s steadily worsening domestic and political situation? How does this fit when considered with the other proposals put forward for rural Minnesota counties to split from the Twin Cities? What kind of pressure can the Iowa state government bring on the Minnesota state government to treat this proposal seriously?


('Make Minnesota Iowa Again': Senator proposes bill to let Iowa buy 9 Minnesota counties): https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2025/01/14/iowa-senator-mike-bousselot-proposes-bill-to-let-state-buy-9-southern-minnesota-counties/77698708007/

(Secession Speakeasy #83 {Public House Edition}: East Dakota seeks to escape Minnesota!): ...

Here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" Family comes FIRST

This piece from the Acton Institute speaks very much to our views here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" on what the relationship should be between family and the workplace. Here we always says that "Family Comes First". That means occasionally we will have gaps in our publication schedule when we need to tend to matters which affect family. However we are still committed to spreading the word on the causes which are important to the everyday people so that EVERYONE will be able to put family first in the not-too-distant future and it is why we value your support so much! Be a rebel, raise a family and show & tell the family how much you love them! https://rlo.acton.org/archives/124383-your-job-is-not-your-family.html

From Steal to Secession AM - Ep. 47: Is America expecting too much of Trump?

Professor Wall welcomes back retired radio host and colorful commentator Brian Wilson, to “From Steal to Secession AM” to discuss the situation surrounding America in the wake of Donald Trump's speech on March 4th. How much can Donald Trump really do and how much is he truly limited? What should the people be doing during this temporary respite while the big government believers are on their heels thanks to Trump's lightning campaign against the federal bureaucracy?


From Steal to Secession AM - Ep. 46: Can Peaceful Division reveal Truth to the General Public?

Professor Wall welcomes Jason Mills, local activist and regular columnist for the Greater Idaho movement, to "From Steal to Secession AM" for a discussion on the importance of localism and self-government in allowing truth to be demonstrated to the world. How important is it to re-discover this local-based self-governing spirit in this time where the globalist scheme is becoming dangerous but also unstable? How is separation an excellent way for people to discover for themselves what is right and wrong? What role does localism play in helping counteract the dangers of the abuse of power?


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