On This Terrestrial Ball
News • Politics • Education
We discuss the issues of the day through the lens of History and the Principle of Subsidiarity with an emphasis on proposed solutions based in self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-determination. We publish our non-exclusive articles, podcasts and vlogs on our main site at https://keepgovlocal.com/ and we publish exclusive material here on our Locals page. We seek to promote respectful discussion to find real solutions which are based in local communities and families.
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Secession Speakeasy 89 (Public House Edition): Is Secession an act of Treason and Sedition?

Professor Wall and the Jester hold the annual July 4th “Secession Day” discussion on some deep philosophical aspect related to the idea of secession. This year they tackle the derogatory terms of ‘treason’ and ‘sedition’ which are often thrown against secession advocates and explore the question of whether there is any truth to those accusations.


(“De Regno: On Kingship” - By Thomas Aquinas): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9780692354001&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr

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Secession Speakeasy 106 (Public House Edition): San Bernardino County Secession Effort Sabotaged?

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss the report released on San Bernardino County’s relationship with California and the analysis given on the county’s secession prospects. Why is the report such a nothingburger in stark contrast to the local media narrative surrounding it? Why are the arguments given against secession so utterly ridiculous? What should movement leader Jeff Burum do to continue the cause of San Bernardino County secession?


(Secession from California unneeded, San Bernardino County gets ‘fair share,’ report finds): https://www.sbsun.com/2024/08/19/secession-from-california-unneeded-san-bernardino-county-gets-fair-share-report-finds/

(San Bernardino secession update): https://www.thedesertreview.com/news/state/san-bernardino-secession-update/article_1699a026-5f0c-11ef-92af-7fb7df3ce6dc.html

(San Bernardino County Fair Share Analysis Report): https://www.scribd.com/document/760448059/San-Bernardino-County-Fair-Share-Analysis

(Blue Sky Consulting ...

Secession Speakeasy 104 (Public House Edition): Catalan Moves & Counter-Moves - Puigdemont Returns!

Professor Wall and the Reporter discuss the recent escapade in Catalonia where Carles Puigdemont upstaged the Spanish Elites’ artificially-created triumph in the formation of the new Catalan government and instead showed the world the true state of affairs in Catalonia and how the struggle for independence is far from over. What exactly happened in Catalonia and what did it prove to the world? What will the long-term effects of this situation be?


(Reality and Incompetence: The Elites' Achilles Heels): https://keepgovlocal.substack.com/p/reality-and-incompetence-the-elites

(Catalonia ex-leader Puigdemont returns to Spain despite arrest warrant): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/8/8/catalonia-ex-leader-puigdemont-returns-to-spain-despite-arrest-warrant

(Socialist Salvador Illa elected leader of Spain’s Catalonia): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/8/8/socialist-salvador-illa-elected-leader-of-spains-catalonia

(Ex-Catalan separatist leader Puigdemont leaves Spain ...

Secession Speakeasy 102 (Public House Edition): Mass State Disobedience coming Post-Election?

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss two recent observations made about the trajectory of America from completely different sides ideologically as the November 2024 elections grow closer. Did the state of Utah lay out the blueprint for how states can resist federal tyranny, which is undoubtedly going to get worse after election day regardless of the outcome?


(Election results may push more states to defy more federal law - By Mark Glennon): https://daily-journal.com/opinion/glennon-election-results-may-push-more-states-to-defy-more-federal-law/article_e89a43d2-4b7a-11ef-834a-436729232aa6.html

(Texas Breakaway Group Warns US Changes or 'Blows Up'): https://www.newsweek.com/texas-breakaway-group-warns-us-changes-blows-1936453

(Signed as Law: Utah Creates Process to End State Enforcement of Some Federal Acts): https://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2024/02/signed-as-law-utah-creates-process-to-end-state-enforcement-of-some-federal-acts/

(The Supremacy Clause - By the Tenth ...

Here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" Family comes FIRST

This piece from the Acton Institute speaks very much to our views here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" on what the relationship should be between family and the workplace. Here we always says that "Family Comes First". That means occasionally we will have gaps in our publication schedule when we need to tend to matters which affect family. However we are still committed to spreading the word on the causes which are important to the everyday people so that EVERYONE will be able to put family first in the not-too-distant future and it is why we value your support so much! Be a rebel, raise a family and show & tell the family how much you love them! https://rlo.acton.org/archives/124383-your-job-is-not-your-family.html

REMINDER: Non-Public House "Secession Speakeasy" Episodes going behind Paywall

Just a reminder to the community, as we announced a few weeks ago, we are going to start putting the new non-Public House episodes of "Secession Speakeasy" behind the paywall after the publication of Episode 100. We offer monthly subscriptions of $8 a month to access paywalled content as well as having the ability to comment and live chat on future Locals-exclusive livestreams.

From Steal to Secession AM - Ep. 28: Louisiana Seeks to be Free!

Professor Wall welcomes Larkin Jackson, the President of the Free Louisiana movement, to “From Steal to Secession AM” for a discussion on this new organization which seeks to eventually lead the state of Louisiana out of the American Empire in order to restore freedom to the peoples of the Bayou State. How do they look to accomplish this? Does Louisiana have an independent enough spirit among it’s people to build up support for it? What are the benefits which Louisianans would reap from being free in their own independent nation?


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