On This Terrestrial Ball
News • Politics • Education
We discuss the issues of the day through the lens of History and the Principle of Subsidiarity with an emphasis on proposed solutions based in self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-determination. We publish our non-exclusive articles, podcasts and vlogs on our main site at https://keepgovlocal.com/ and we publish exclusive material here on our Locals page. We seek to promote respectful discussion to find real solutions which are based in local communities and families.
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Secession Speakeasy 87 (Public House Edition): Is Texas GOP on board for a Texit vote finally?

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss the recent news in Texas of how certain individuals of influence within the national Republican party tried to purge Texit from the Texas Republican party platform and lock out Texit supporters from state party leadership positions and if their failure to accomplish these goals is a harbinger of good things to come in regards to the campaign for a TEXIT vote.


(“Texit: Why and How Texas Will Leave The Union” - By Daniel Miller): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9781948035699&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr

(Texas Nationalist Movement): https://tnm.me/

(Texas Secessionsts Win GOP Backing for Independence Vote: 'Major Step'): https://www.newsweek.com/texas-secession-takes-major-step-gop-backs-vote-1911678

(A Tale of Two Conventions): https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/05/no_author/a-tale-of-two-conventions/

(Secession Speakeasy #46 {Public House Edition}: TNM to sue Texas ...

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What else you may like…
Secession Speakeasy 95 (Public House Edition): The Speakeasy welcomes Richard Wright!

Professor Wall and the Reporter welcome business teacher and very involved parent Richard Wright to the Speakeasy to discuss “Family Secession” from the corrupt, decadent popular culture which is being thrust in the faces of the younger generations almost non-stop. How can parents today ensure their children grow up properly formed with all of these poisonous aspects surrounding them?


(The Tuttle Twins): https://tuttletwins.com/?al_pg_id=c08617c4-3f63-4f67-a700-b012b1ec8eb6



(Defend Young Minds): https://www.defendyoungminds.com/

(Holy Heroes): https://holyheroes.com/

(“Holy Moments” - By Matthew Kelly): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9781635821352&submitBtn=Search&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr

(“Discipline That Lasts a Lifetime: The Best ...

Secession Speakeasy 94: France violates local rights to try and stop New Caledonia Secession

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss the ugly scenario unfolding on the island of New Caledonia where France seems to be taking drastic steps to try and stop the momentum towards independence for New Caledonia by violating local people’s rights. Why is there so little information about the situation there available to the general public? Why did France feel it necessary to arrest the independence leaders without charges and ship them to France? Who is really behind the violence unfolding on the island?


(Why are protests against France raging in New Caledonia?): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/16/why-are-protests-against-france-raging-in-new-caledonia

(France’s Macron delays New Caledonia voting reform after protests): https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/23/frances-macron-delays-new-caledonia-voting-reform-after-protests

(New Caledonia independence activists sent to France for detention): ...

Secession Speakeasy 93 (Public House Edition): From Electoral Secession to City Secession?

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss the new phenomenon which was just launched in Calgary, Alberta where a political party restricted to the municipal level was put forward to try and resolve city problems and to put up a political bulwark against federal government interference in local affairs. Why is this political party concept such a fascinating concept? Could it be a very key strategy to bringing about the needed political decentralization in the world? Could it help develop a local focus politically which could lead to city secession against tyrannical provincial and federal governments?


(A Better Calgary Party): https://www.abettercalgaryparty.ca/

(Calgary's first municipal political party launches): https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/municipal-political-party-a-better-calgary-1.7240285?cmp=rss

(This premier is building walls to keep Ottawa out — and may have the political capital to do it): ...

Here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" Family comes FIRST

This piece from the Acton Institute speaks very much to our views here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" on what the relationship should be between family and the workplace. Here we always says that "Family Comes First". That means occasionally we will have gaps in our publication schedule when we need to tend to matters which affect family. However we are still committed to spreading the word on the causes which are important to the everyday people so that EVERYONE will be able to put family first in the not-too-distant future and it is why we value your support so much! Be a rebel, raise a family and show & tell the family how much you love them! https://rlo.acton.org/archives/124383-your-job-is-not-your-family.html

Updates and Articles

Greetings Locals Community!

Some quick updates for you all here.

1) The Minstrel is going to be taking a few weeks off to tend to some personal matters which need attention. He is planning to return to the podcasts sometime after Labor Day. Please pray for him and for his efforts!

2) To cover for the Minstrel, we will be splitting his duties between the fourth member of the team, the Factor (Mr. Wilson) and a new member of the podcast rotation: Mr. Christopher Goins "the Reporter". We are very excited to welcome Chris to the team. As you no doubt have seen in his previous two podcast appearances, he is a very intelligent man with a lot of great insight and will contribute a lot to our great discussions.

3) We are going to begin putting certain materials behind paywalls starting after Episode #100 of Secession Speakeasy. A monthly subscription will be $8.00 per month and will also grant the rights to comment on the Locals page. We hope to release some more Locals-exclusive content ...

Secession Speakeasy 89 (Public House Edition): Is Secession an act of Treason and Sedition?

Professor Wall and the Jester hold the annual July 4th “Secession Day” discussion on some deep philosophical aspect related to the idea of secession. This year they tackle the derogatory terms of ‘treason’ and ‘sedition’ which are often thrown against secession advocates and explore the question of whether there is any truth to those accusations.


(“De Regno: On Kingship” - By Thomas Aquinas): https://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author=&title=&lang=en&isbn=9780692354001&new_used=*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr

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