On This Terrestrial Ball
News • Politics • Education
We discuss the issues of the day through the lens of History and the Principle of Subsidiarity with an emphasis on proposed solutions based in self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-determination. We publish our non-exclusive articles, podcasts and vlogs on our main site at https://keepgovlocal.com/ and we publish exclusive material here on our Locals page. We seek to promote respectful discussion to find real solutions which are based in local communities and families.
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Secession Speakeasy 2: Whither Puerto Rico - Statehood or Secession?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the surprising news out of the U.S. Congress where there is a major push being made to force Puerto Rico to decide between statehood or independence and how this could be a nefarious plot on the part of the Elites to discredit secession movements across the United States while lining the Elites' pockets and power bases. What SHOULD the people of Puerto Rico do?


(House of Representatives passes Bill to ‘Decolonize’ Puerto Rico in Lame Duck Session): https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/12/15/house-passes-bill-decolonize-puerto-rico-lame-duck-session/

(House Democrats try to push Puerto Rico closer to Statehood): https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/12/16/democrats-pass-bill-to-decolonize-puerto-rico-n2617236

(Austrian Economist and Puerto Rico resident Peter Schiff lays out Puerto Rico's status quo advantage):

(Tom Luongo and Tom Woods discuss benefits of delaying secession):

("The Banana Wars" - By Lester Langley):

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Secession Speakeasy 72: National Divorce fissures expand in Canada!

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss multiple stories which seem to all point to the reality that the National Divorce phenomenon is fast approaching in Canada. What does Justin Trudeau’s threat against Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe say about tensions between Ottawa and Saskatchewan? What is the real thrust of Danielle Smith’s recent moves legally and politically in Alberta and how is Trudeau’s response further fracturing the relationship between Ottawa and Alberta? What does the recent surge in popularity and rise in separatist rhetoric from Quebec’s leading separatist party, the Parti Quebecois, mean for Quebec’s prospects for secession in the near-future?


(Trudeau doesn’t rule out arresting Moe; won’t backtrack on carbon tax hike): https://www.westernstandard.news/alberta/trudeau-doesnt-rule-out-arresting-moe-wont-backtrack-on-carbon-tax-hike/53092

(This premier is building walls to keep Ottawa out — and may have the political capital to do it): ...

Secession Speakeasy 71 (Public House Edition): New England Secession: A Study in Practicalities

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss two contrasting proposals for secession from New England and the importance of practicality in proposing one’s plans. Why is it so important for secession activists to do their homework and put forward a practical plan for both what their goal is and how to accomplish it?


(East Dover, Vermont announces secession bid): https://www.dvalnews.com/news/east-dover-announces-secession-bid

(Maine state legislator Eric Brakey calls for Maine counties to secede and join New Hampshire): https://twitter.com/SenatorBrakey/status/1775521552798290219

(New Brunswick Free Province Project): https://www.nbfree.ca/

(Secession Speakeasy #56 {Public House Edition}: New Hampshire & Texas preparing for a Post-Secession Alliance?): https://odysee.com/@StealToSecessionAM:c/secession-speakeasy-new-hampshire-texas-post-secession-alliance:4

(“American Secession: The Looming Threat of a National Breakup” - By F.H. Buckley): ...

Secession Speakeasy 70: Nigerian CBDC experiment backfiring into Secession?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the unfolding situation in the Central African nation of Nigeria where it looks like a Davos program has backfired very badly and could instead lead to a breakup of the country and a long overdue correction of Elitist malfeasance from the colonial era.


(Africa’s First Test Run for a CBDC has Failed - By Martin Armstrong): https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/great-reset/africas-first-test-run-for-a-cbdc-has-failed/

(Biafra RIP - By Murray N. Rothbard): https://www.rothbard.it/articles/libertarian-forum/lf-2-3.pdf

(New report details atrocities of persecution in Nigeria with 8,000 Christians killed last year alone): https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/new-report-details-atrocities-of-persecution-in-nigeria-with-8000-christians-killed-last-year-alone/

(50 years on: Nigeria’s Biafra secessionist movement): https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2017/5/30/50-years-on-nigerias-biafra-secessionist-movement

(Nnamdi ...

Another Article for your reading pleasure

The always gracious Lew Rockwell consented to publish another piece of ours concerning how a recent current event shows us once again that it is foolish to put faith in politicians and that only we ourselves can take back our own governance and restore our freedoms. Secession is the answer to our problems! https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/05/no_author/put-not-your-trust-in-speakers/

Here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" Family comes FIRST

This piece from the Acton Institute speaks very much to our views here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" on what the relationship should be between family and the workplace. Here we always says that "Family Comes First". That means occasionally we will have gaps in our publication schedule when we need to tend to matters which affect family. However we are still committed to spreading the word on the causes which are important to the everyday people so that EVERYONE will be able to put family first in the not-too-distant future and it is why we value your support so much! Be a rebel, raise a family and show & tell the family how much you love them! https://rlo.acton.org/archives/124383-your-job-is-not-your-family.html

Where We Have Been...

Our deepest apologies for being absent the last few weeks. Another member of the team became extremely ill and we were concerned about his well-being in addition to having family obligations for the great feast of Easter. Thankfully our team member is on the mend at last and our obligations have been largely met. We are working on new content now and hope to record and publish next week.
In the meantime, we have begun embarking on a venture to comment on those secession stories which we don't have time to cover in-depth on our podcast episodes. To this end we have started up a Substack which we hope to integrate more fully into the Locals setup here in the not-too-distant future. Here is our most recent piece. Enjoy! https://keepgovlocal.substack.com/p/the-breakup-of-new-york-city-continues

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