On This Terrestrial Ball
News • Politics • Education
We discuss the issues of the day through the lens of History and the Principle of Subsidiarity with an emphasis on proposed solutions based in self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-determination. We publish our non-exclusive articles, podcasts and vlogs on our main site at https://keepgovlocal.com/ and we publish exclusive material here on our Locals page. We seek to promote respectful discussion to find real solutions which are based in local communities and families.
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From Steal to Secession AM: What does the 2022 Disaster portend for America’s Future?

Professor Wall welcomes the one and only Daniel McAdams and Chris Rossini to "From Steal to Secession AM" to talk over the aftermath of the 2022 electoral disasters and what may lie in store for America in the foreseeable future economically and politically. Tune in at 1:30 PM Eastern Time / 9:30 AM Alaska Time to catch the newest livestream of "From Steal to Secession AM"! https://keepgovlocal.com/from-steal-to-secession-am-episode-13-2022-election-disaster-portend-americas-future/

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Secession Speakeasy 126 (Public House Edition): Will the Empire or Individual States break up first?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the growing national conversation surrounding secession as evidenced by recent articles in the Wall Street Journal, The Spectator and the Epoch Times. With the conversation clearly growing as well as the general sentiment towards splitting, the question becomes, what splits up first? Will the DC Empire divide first with states all jettisoning themselves from the DC Union? Or will certain states themselves divide and then be followed by states leaving the DC Union? What trigger points would lead to either scenario unfolding?


(The Rural Areas Pushing for Divorce From Democratic Cities - By Joe Barrett): https://www.wsj.com/us-news/rural-counties-new-illinois-california-1e1badb5

(Splitsville: separatist movements are gaining steam in blue states - By Dave Seminara): https://thespectator.com/topic/splitsville-separatist-movements-gaining-steam-blue-states/

(Organizers Say Trump Presidency Won’t Slow State Movements to Split,...

Secession Speakeasy 124 (Public House Edition): A Financial Step Towards Florida Secession?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the largely unnoticed news out of Florida that the Sunshine State’s Chief Financial Officer is putting the wheels in motion for gold and silver to be recognized as legal tender and the CFO’s reference to taking this step to protect against the collapse of the dollar. Is this another indication that preparations are going on inside Florida for the state to chart it’s own path as the Empire collapses?


(Gold and silver could become official currency in Florida, state's top financial officer says): https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/money/gold-official-currency-in-florida-inflation-crypto/77-dbc78fbd-3713-4df3-add5-c575fb23a056

(The Best and Worst States for Sound Money): https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2024/12/04/the-best-and-worst-states-for-sound-money-2/

Secession Speakeasy 121 (Public House Edition): Electoral Secession - Democratic Party to Split?!

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss a prediction from the great geopolitical forecaster and analyst Martin Armstrong that the Democratic Party is due to split up in the near-future. Is there evidence on the ground politically which reinforces Armstrong’s prediction? If so, why is it happening? What would the long-term benefits be of a Democratic party split-up? Why would the Republican party NOT benefit long-term from this?


(2025 Economic Outlook with Martin Armstrong): https://rumble.com/v5r469t-2025-economic-outlook-with-martin-armstrong.html

(Election results, 2024: State legislative veto-proof majorities - Ballotpedia): https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results,_2024:_State_legislative_veto-proof_majorities

(The timing of Lieberman's death is awfully convenient for the Deep State): https://keepgovlocal.substack.com/p/the-timing-of-liebermans-death-is

(Vermont Progressive Party Meets in Barre for Annual Convention): ...

Here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" Family comes FIRST

This piece from the Acton Institute speaks very much to our views here at "On This Terrestrial Ball" on what the relationship should be between family and the workplace. Here we always says that "Family Comes First". That means occasionally we will have gaps in our publication schedule when we need to tend to matters which affect family. However we are still committed to spreading the word on the causes which are important to the everyday people so that EVERYONE will be able to put family first in the not-too-distant future and it is why we value your support so much! Be a rebel, raise a family and show & tell the family how much you love them! https://rlo.acton.org/archives/124383-your-job-is-not-your-family.html

From Steal to Secession AM - Ep. 40: Promoting Self-Determination in California and the World!

Professor Wall welcomes the two main leaders of the Calexit Now movement, Marcus Ruiz Evans and Jason Wright, to "From Steal to Secession AM" for a wide-ranging discussion on their efforts to promote self-determination not only for their own people, but for people across the world. What is the Calexit Now movement? Are left-oriented states being neglected by the Elite classes in Washington DC just as much as right-oriented states are? What is the Global Summit on Self-Determination? How is it looking to assist self-determination movements across the world?


The Impending End of the Age of Centralization

To replace the normally scheduled podcasts for this week, the Professor pens a short piece pointing out how the delusional imperialist rhetoric emanating from many different world leaders is actually a sign of the impending collapse of the 200 year old "Age of Centralization" which has brought widespread suffering and catastrophic results to the world over the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. For all believers in secession this should be a greatly encouraging sign. https://keepgovlocal.substack.com/p/the-impending-end-of-the-age-of-centralization

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