On This Terrestrial Ball
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We discuss the issues of the day through the lens of History and the Principle of Subsidiarity with an emphasis on proposed solutions based in self-responsibility, self-discipline, and self-determination. We publish our non-exclusive articles, podcasts and vlogs on our main site at https://keepgovlocal.com/ and we publish exclusive material here on our Locals page. We seek to promote respectful discussion to find real solutions which are based in local communities and families.
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The Subsidiarity Times Daily Headlines: Saturday October 16, 2021

DEVELOPING STORY: The Vaccine Mandate Walkout

1. Walkouts and Protests against Vaccine Mandate explode all over Italy: https://www.infowars.com/posts/italy-rocked-by-nationwide-protests-as-resistance-against-vaccine-passport-scheme-explodes/

2. The Walkout spreading to Canada? Canadian National Railroad employees signal their opposition to the company’s vaccine mandate: https://www.rebelnews.com/cn_employees_send_cease_and_desist_letter_opposing_mandatory_vaccination_policy

3. Activist airline pilot warns - Mass flight cancellations are going to become more and more common if the government and corporations do not back off on the vaccine mandates: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-10-15-airline-pilots-say-prepare-for-chaos-refusal-mandated-covid-vaccine.html#

4. Heroic construction workers all quit in protest over vaccine mandates; business owner immediately reverses course upon losing his entire workforce: https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-after-boss-mandated-vaccines-construction-workers-walked-off-job-they-were-immediately-called-back/

Previous Links on this developing story:






5. The biggest story no one is talking about - there is a growing epidemic of plane crashes; are the COVID vaccines to blame? https://www.lewrockwell.com/political-theatre/epidemic-of-plane-crashes-linked-to-covid-19-jab/

6. Ron Paul show co-host proclaims: “A soft secession is taking place across America”: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/ron-paul-confidant-explains-how-a-silent-secession-is-taking-place-to-restore-freedom-across-america/

7. German leader of Resistance against COVID restrictions and mandates, Reiner Fuellmich, gets blunt - The pandemic is a global coup d’etat: https://freewestmedia.com/2021/10/13/reiner-fullmich-the-pandemic-is-a-global-coup-detat/

8. Getting around censorship - Man in Boston spreads awareness of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths using his own motorhome: https://www.infowars.com/posts/wake-up-man-spreads-awareness-of-covid-vaccine-injuries-deaths-using-motorhome/

9. Canada goes Maoist - Anti-COVID restrictions pastor is ordered to publicly condemn himself or go back to jail: https://www.rebelnews.com/bizarre_judge_orders_pastor_artur_pawlowski_to_condemn_himself

10. What could possibly go wrong? Pro-abortion activists deploying mobile abortion facilities to Texas border: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-aborts-to-send-mobile-units-surrounding-texas-border-to-increase-access-to-abortion/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa


Robert Barnes historical parallel prediction - The COVID vaccines and their mandates could become to America’s corrupt political elite what the Chernobyl disaster was to the Soviet Union: https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/post/1178802/live-bourbon-w-barnes-friday-october-15-2021

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Link to “Secession in Early America from 1775 - 1861” Playlist: https://keepgovlocal.com/learning-pods/history/secession-in-early-america-from-1775-1861/

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