On This Terrestrial Ball
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Secession Speakeasy!
122 videos
Our Locals exclusive episodes where the Professor, the Minstrel and occasional special guests give short takes over drinks on newsworthy subjects of note and the Minstrel graces us with his music!
Secession Speakeasy 124 (Public House Edition): A Financial Step Towards Florida Secession?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss the largely unnoticed news out of Florida that the Sunshine State’s Chief Financial Officer is putting the wheels in motion for gold and silver to be recognized as legal tender and the CFO’s reference to taking this step to protect against the collapse of the dollar. Is this another indication that preparations are going on inside Florida for the state to chart it’s own path as the Empire collapses?


(Gold and silver could become official currency in Florida, state's top financial officer says): https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/money/gold-official-currency-in-florida-inflation-crypto/77-dbc78fbd-3713-4df3-add5-c575fb23a056

(The Best and Worst States for Sound Money): https://tenthamendmentcenter.com/2024/12/04/the-best-and-worst-states-for-sound-money-2/

Secession Speakeasy 121 (Public House Edition): Electoral Secession - Democratic Party to Split?!

Professor Wall and the Jester discuss a prediction from the great geopolitical forecaster and analyst Martin Armstrong that the Democratic Party is due to split up in the near-future. Is there evidence on the ground politically which reinforces Armstrong’s prediction? If so, why is it happening? What would the long-term benefits be of a Democratic party split-up? Why would the Republican party NOT benefit long-term from this?


(2025 Economic Outlook with Martin Armstrong): https://rumble.com/v5r469t-2025-economic-outlook-with-martin-armstrong.html

(Election results, 2024: State legislative veto-proof majorities - Ballotpedia): https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results,_2024:_State_legislative_veto-proof_majorities

(The timing of Lieberman's death is awfully convenient for the Deep State): https://keepgovlocal.substack.com/p/the-timing-of-liebermans-death-is

(Vermont Progressive Party Meets in Barre for Annual Convention): ...

Secession Speakeasy 119 (Public House Edition): Elites preparing to ignite Civil War in America?

Professor Wall and the Secession Minstrel discuss a number of different news stories which, when analyzed inside the bigger picture, point to a rather disturbing conclusion. Are the Elites putting pieces in place to take resistance out of the electoral realm and into more dangerous realms? What should Secession believers watch out for in order to avoid being labeled as scapegoats as a result of these Elitist machinations? Is there ways that these Elitist plans could end up backfiring on them for the benefit of the people?


(War-Gaming for Democracy - By Elliott Ackerman): https://www.removepaywall.com/search?url=https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/03/war-game-constitution-trump-biden/677779/

(Military Coup Simulation Reveals Potentially Dangerous 2024 Outcome for Donald Trump): https://www.lewrockwell.com/political-theatre/military-coup-simulation-reveals-potentially-dangerous-2024-outcome-for-donald-trump/

(Newsom calls special session to ‘Trump-proof’ California): ...

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